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Administrative Case: ADKT 0269
Classification:Administrative - ADKT - ADKTCase Status:Case Reopened
Filed Date:01/08/1998Public Hearing:
Closed Date:03/01/2011

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
01/08/1998Administrative CaseFiled Petition for Designation of Study Committee.98-00649
03/24/1998Administrative CasePublic Hearing on the Administrative Docket.
04/17/1998Administrative CaseFiled Order a committee shall be formed to study this matter. The Honorable Scott Jordan and Sue Meuschke shall be appointed to serve as co-chairs of this study committee. The study committee shall present its findings and recommendations to this court within 90 days of the date of this order.98-00650
06/24/1998Administrative CaseFiled Amended Order Appointing Members of Study Committee. Liz Watson shall be removed and replaced with Mary Rose Zingale. The study committee shall present its proposed standardized froms to this court withih 180 days of the date of this order.98-00651
12/28/1998Administrative CaseFiled Motion for Adoption of Standardized Forms for Use in Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases.98-00652
04/16/1999Administrative CasePublic Meeting on the Administrative Docket.
06/01/1999Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion for Adoption of Standardized Forms for use in Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases. The standardized forms developed by the study committee, attached as Exhibits 1 through 7, are adopted and approved for immediate use on a voluntary basis by the district courts and justice courts of the State; the study committee shall meet on or before November 30, 1999, to review and revise the forms, if necessary; the committee shall file with this court by January 31, 2000, supplemental findings and proposed changes to the forms, if any; this court's permanent adoption of the forms for mandatory use shall be deferred pending the study committee's findings and recommendations.99-13512
01/31/2000Administrative CaseFiled Motion for Adoption of Standardized Forms for Mandatory Use in Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases.00-22831
04/26/2000Administrative CasePublic meeting on the administrative docket.
06/07/2000Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion for Adoption of Standardized Forms for Mandatory Use in Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases. Effective immediately. The study committee shall meet on or before November 1, 2000, to review and revise the five additional forms, if necessary. The committee shall file with this court by January 1, 2001, supplemental findings and proposed changes to the forms, if any; this court's permanent adoption of the additional five forms for mandatory use shall be deferred pending the study committee's findings and recommendations.00-22832
03/28/2002Administrative CaseFiled Motion for Adoption of Standardized Forms for Use in Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases.02-22324
07/26/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion for Adoption of Standardized Forms for Mandatory Use in Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases. This order was not published.02-22325
07/26/2002Case Status UpdateCase Closed
12/05/2008Order/ProceduralFiled Order Adopting Standardized Domestic Violence Forms. Effective immediately, in all cases involving orders for protection against domestic violence issues . . . the courts of the State of Nevada shall use the four standardized forms (copies attached as Exhibits A through D). The courts may use the six standardized forms (copies attached as Exhibits E through K).08-33297
12/05/2008Case Status UpdateCase Closed
12/27/2010Administrative CaseCase Reopened
12/27/2010Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Standardized Protection Order Forms. Effective immediately, in all cases involving orders for protection in accordance with provisions set forth in NRS chapter 33, the courts of the State of Nevada shall use the three standardized forms (copies attached as exhibits A through C); in all cases involving orders for protection against domestic violence and in all cases involving orders for protection, it is recommended that the courts use the six standardized forms developed by Standardized Protection Order Forms Committee, (Exhibits D through I); in all cases involving orders for protection, the courts may use the six standardized forms developed by Standardized Protection Order Forms Committee (Exhibits J through O).10-33632
03/01/2011Administrative CaseCase Closed.
07/05/2019Administrative CaseCase Reopened. (SC)
07/05/2019Administrative CaseFiled Order filed to reconvene committee. The individuals listed in exhibit A are appointed to the committee. (S)19-28735
05/19/2020Administrative CaseFiled Petition.20-19023
06/04/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Standardized Forms for Protection Orders. (SC)20-20955
07/02/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order. On June 4, 2020, this court entered an order adopting standardized forms for protection orders, which are due to become effective on July 6, 2020. In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we direct that the use of standardized forms for protection orders is discretionary as of July 6, 2020. Their use will become mandatory on November 1, 2020.20-24570
07/24/2020Administrative CaseFiled Petition. (SC).20-27051
07/27/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Standardized Forms for Protection Orders.20-27264
09/25/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall maintain the standardize forms, determine when revisions to the forms are necessary, make any technical revisions to the forms when necessary without submitting a new petition or requesting a hearing, and submit any needed substantive revisions to the forms to the JCSN; It is further ordered that the JCSN shall consider any substantive revisions of the forms recommended by the Administrative Office of the Courts and determine whether the revisions can be made by the JCSN or whether the Committee should be reconvened. Substantive revisions to the forms must be submitted to this court for final approval before distribution; and it is further ordered that the Committee is dissolved having completed the tasks assigned to it.20-35428
09/25/2020Case Status UpdateCase Closed.
02/12/2024Administrative CaseCase Reopened
02/12/2024Administrative CaseFiled Order. The proposed shortened "Application For Protection Order Against Domestic Violence" form is approved as set forth in Exhibit A to this order. The form's use is authorized during the duration of the pilot program, for a period not to exceed 60 days.24-05121