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Combined Case Information: 74857-COA & 74857
Short Caption:KOZAK, ESQ. VS. DIST. CT. (HUGHES)Court:Court of Appeals & Supreme Court
Related Case(s):72685, 72965, 74857
Lower Court Case(s):Churchill Co. - Tenth Judicial District - 15-10DC-0876Classification:Original Proceeding - Civil - Mandamus
Disqualifications:Case Status:Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:01/26/2018How Submitted:On Record

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
01/12/2018Filing FeeFiling fee paid. E-Payment $250.00 from Charles R. Kozak.
01/12/2018Petition/WritFiled Petition for Writ of Mandamus.18-01754
01/12/2018Notice/IncomingFiled Notice of Writ Mandamus.18-01756
01/12/2018AppendixFiled Appendix to Petition for Writ.18-01757
01/12/2018Petition/WritFiled Petition for Writ of Mandamus. Filed Petition for Writ of Mandamus.18-01754
01/12/2018AppendixFiled Appendix to Petition for Writ. Filed Appendix to Petition for Writ.18-01757
01/25/2018Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Transfer to Court of Appeals.18-03654
01/25/2018Case Status UpdateTransferred from Supreme Court.
01/26/2018Case Status UpdateSubmitted for Decision.
02/27/2018Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Answer Writ Petition. Answer due: 30 days. Petitioner shall have 15 days from service of the answer to file and serve any reply.18-900358
03/22/2018Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. - Real Parties in Interests' Answer to Writ Petition due: April 12, 2018.18-900546
04/12/2018Petition/WritFiled Answer to Petition for Writ. -Real Parties in Interest's Answer to Petition for Writ of Mandamus.18-900743
04/12/2018AppendixFiled Appendix to Petition for Writ. -Real Parties in Interest's Appendix Volumes 1 & 2.18-900747
04/30/2018Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. - Petitioner's Reply due: May 11, 2018.18-900898
05/02/2018Petition/WritFiled Reply to Answer to Petition. - Kozak's Reply to Answer to Petition for Writ of Mandamus.18-900914
06/13/2018Order/DispositionalFiled Order Denying Petition for Writ of Mandmaus. "ORDER the petition DENIED." Court of Appeals-AS/JT/MG
06/13/2018Order/DispositionalFiled Order Denying Petition. for Writ of Mandmaus. "ORDER the petition DENIED." Court of Appeals-AS/JT/MG18-901302
06/29/2018Post-Judgment PetitionFiled Petition for Rehearing. - Petitioner Kozak's NRAP 40 Petition for Rehearing.18-901423
06/29/2018Filing FeeFiling Fee Paid. -Rehearing Fee Paid - $150.00 from Charles R. Kozak. Check No. 2739.
08/24/2018Post-Judgment OrderFiled Order Denying Rehearing. . "Rehearing Denied." NRAP 40(c).18-901897
09/11/2018Case Status UpdateTransferred from Court of Appeals.
09/11/2018Post-Judgment PetitionFiled Appellant Kozak's NRAP 40B Petition for Review.18-35328
09/11/2018Case Status UpdateTransferred to Supreme Court.
09/11/2018Case Status UpdateCase Closed.
10/18/2018Order/ProceduralFiled Order Directing Answer. Real Parties' in Interest Answer to Petition for Review due: 15 days.18-41138
10/30/2018Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Real Parties in Interest's Answer to Petition for Review due: November 16, 2018.18-42571
11/19/2018Post-Judgment PetitionFiled Real Parties in Interest Answer to Kozak's NRAP 40(B) Petition for Review. (SC)18-904815
12/21/2018Post-Judgment Order/DispositionalFiled Order Denying Petition for Review. "Review denied." NRAP 40B. fn1[The Honorable Mark Gibbons, Justice, did not participate in the decision of this matter.] (SC)18-909920
01/22/2019RemittiturIssued Notice in Lieu/Rehearing. (SC)19-03217
01/22/2019Case Status UpdateNotice in Lieu of Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. (SC)