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Combined Case Information: 84226
Short Caption:CADET VS. DIST. CT. (SWENSON PROPS., LLC)Court:Supreme Court
Related Case(s):84838
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - A834726Classification:Original Proceeding - Civil - Mandamus/Prohibition
Disqualifications:Case Status:Notice in Lieu of Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:How Submitted:

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
02/11/2022Filing FeeFiling fee paid. E-Payment $250.00 from Paul C Ray. (SC)
02/11/2022Petition/WritFiled Petition for Writ of Mandamus, or Alternatively, for Writ of Prohibition. (SC)22-04764
02/11/2022AppendixFiled Appendix to Petition for Writ - Volume 1. (SC)22-04765
02/11/2022AppendixFiled Appendix to Petition for Writ - Volume 2. (SC)22-04766
02/11/2022MotionFiled Petitioner's Emergency Motion for Stay of Eviction Pending Petition for Writ: Action needed before eviction ordered for March 1, 2022. (SC)22-04775
02/11/2022MotionFiled Petitioner's Motion for Permission to File Video. (SC)22-04777
02/14/2022Notice/IncomingFiled Petitioner's Amended Certificate of Service. (SC)22-04974
02/22/2022Order/ProceduralFiled Order Requiring Petitioner to Show Cause and Granting Stay. Petitioner shall have 14 days from the date of this order within which to show cause why this writ petition should not be denied because she has an adequate legal remedy in the form of an appeal from the final judgment. Real party in interest shall have 14 days from when petitioner's response is served to file and serve any reply. We hereby stay the district court's eviction order and enjoin real party in interest from evicting petitioner, conditioned upon petitioner's continued rental payments of $3000 per month, pending further order of this court. fn1[Petitioner's motion for leave to file video is denied.] (SC)22-05731
03/08/2022MotionFiled Petitioner's Response to Order to Show Cause. (SC)22-07352
03/18/2022MotionFiled Real Party in Interest's Reply to Response to Order to Show Cause. (SC)22-08655
03/22/2022Order/DispositionalFiled Order Denying Petition. "ORDER the petition DENIED." fn2[In light of this order, our February 22 stay is lifted.] SNP22-JH/LS/DH (SC)22-09045
04/18/2022RemittiturIssued Notice in Lieu of Remittitur. (SC)22-12058
04/18/2022Case Status UpdateNotice in Lieu of Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. (SC)