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Administrative Case: ADKT 0554
Classification:Administrative - ADKT - ADKTCase Status:Pending
Filed Date:03/19/2020Public Hearing:
Closed Date:

Docket Entries
03/19/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order Concerning Access to Appellate Court Facilities filed in AO 0008 on March 13, 2020.20-10759
03/19/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order Concerning Access to Las Vegas Justice Court and Municipal Court Facilities at the Regional Justice Center filed in AO 0009 on March 18, 2020.20-10761
03/19/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order In Re COVID-19 Emergency Cancellation of Oral Argument and Public Hearing filed in AO 0010 on March 18, 2020.20-10763
03/19/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order Temporarily Closing the Supreme Court Law Library to the Public filed in AO 0011 on March 18, 2020.20-10765
03/31/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order Concerning Implementation by Justice Courts of Governor's Emergency Directive 008 Regarding Evictions. (AO-0012) (SC).20-12363
04/10/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order Concerning Ongoing Administration of District Court Proceeding During COVID-19 Emergency. (AO 013).20-13788
04/20/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order concerning access to appellate court facilities. (AO 0014).20-14950
04/20/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order regarding COVID-19 emergency oral argument procedures. (AO 0015).20-14952
06/16/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order Regarding Face Coverings and Social Distancing in Appellate Court Facilities. (AO 0016).20-22375
07/28/2020Administrative CaseFiled Notice. Order Supreme Court Law Library to Remain Closed to the Public filed in AO 0011 on July 28, 2020.20-27413
11/23/2020Administrative CaseFiled Order Concerning the Matter of the Coronavirus Emergency Order Regarding the Nevada Supreme Court Vote Canvass. (AO-0018).20-42570
11/23/2020Administrative CaseFiled Amended Order Concerning the Matter of the Coronavirus Emergency Order Regarding the Nevada Supreme Court Vote Canvass. (AO-0018).20-42711
06/10/2021Administrative CaseFiled Order Concerning Access to Appellate Court Facilities. (AO-0020).21-16636
07/28/2021Administrative CaseFiled Order Concerning the Matter of the Coronavirus Public Emergency Order Regarding Face Coverings and Social Distancing in Appellate Court Facilities. (AO-0022)21-21882
02/15/2022Administrative CaseFiled Order. This order amends AO-22, which concerns access to appellate court facilities. All court employees and persons entering the Carson City and Las Vegas court buildings are no longer required to wear masks provided that they are fully vaccinated. (SC)22-05077