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Case Information: 88813
Lower Court Case(s):Carson City - First Judicial District - 24 OC 00056 1BClassification:Civil Appeal - General - Other
Disqualifications:Case Status:Disposition Filed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: En Banc
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:12/04/2024 at 2:00 PMOral Argument Location:Carson City
Submission Date:12/04/2024How Submitted:After Oral Argument

+ Party Information

+ Due Items

Docket Entries
06/11/2024Filing FeeFiling Fee Paid. $250.00 from Reese Ring Velto PLLC. Check no. 010040. (SC)
06/11/2024Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.). (SC)24-20370
06/11/2024Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Exemption from Settlement Program/File Documents. Transcript request due: 14 days. Opening brief due: 120 days. (SC)24-20372
06/18/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Unopposed Motion To Set Briefing Schedule. (SC).24-21217
06/19/2024MotionFiled Respondents Limited Opposition to Motion for Expedited Consideration of Appeal. (SC).24-21272
06/25/2024Transcript RequestFiled Appellants' Certificate of No Transcript Request. (SC)24-21993
06/25/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion to Expedite. Appellants moved for expedited briefing and consideration of this appeal. Having reviewed the motion to expedite, and the limited opposition thereto, the motion to expedite is granted. Appellants shall have until July 15, 2024, to file and serve the opening brief and appendix. Respondents shall have until August 1, 2024, to file and serve answering briefs. Appellants shall file any reply brief by August 21, 2024. Amicus curiae shall file any briefs in support of appellants by July 22, 2024, and any briefs in support of respondents by August 8, 2024. No extensions to the deadlines set forth in this order will be granted absent demonstration of extraordinary and compelling circumstances by written motion. (SC)24-22128
06/28/2024Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled District Court Docket Entries. (SC)24-22548
07/02/2024Docketing StatementFiled Appellants' Docketing Statement (REJECTED PER NOTICE FILED ON 7/2/2024). (SC)
07/02/2024Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Rejection of Deficient Docketing Statement. Corrected docketing statement due: 5 days. (SC)24-22988
07/08/2024Docketing StatementFiled Appellants' Docketing Statement. (SC)24-23516
07/15/2024BriefFiled Appellants' Opening Brief (REJECTED PER PHONE CALL). (SC)
07/15/2024AppendixFiled Appellants' Appendix to Opening Brief - Volumes 1-5. (REJECTED PER PHONE CALL). (SC)
07/16/2024BriefFiled Appellants' Opening Brief. (SC)24-24816
07/16/2024AppendixFiled Appellants' Joint Appendix to Opening Brief - Vol. 1. (SC)24-24817
07/16/2024AppendixFiled Appellants' Joint Appendix to Opening Brief - Vol. 2. (SC)24-24818
07/16/2024AppendixFiled Appellants' Joint Appendix to Opening Brief - Vol. 3. (SC)24-24819
07/16/2024AppendixFiled Appellants' Joint Appendix to Opening Brief - Vol. 4. (SC)24-24820
07/16/2024AppendixFiled Appellants' Joint Appendix to Opening Brief - Vol. 5. (SC)24-24821
07/17/2024Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to Provide Proof of Service for Joint Appendix - Volumes 1-5. Due date: 7 days. (SC)24-24902
07/17/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Appellants' Proof of Service for Joint Appendix Volumes 1-5. (SC)24-25018
07/22/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Amici Curiae (Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, and National Association of Consumer Advocates) Notice of Appearance for Micah Echols, Charles Finlayson, and David Snyder. (SC)24-25546
07/22/2024MotionFiled Amici Curiae (Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, and National Association of Consumer Advocates) Motion for Leave to File Proposed Amicus Brief in Support of Appellants. (SC)24-25547
07/22/2024BriefFiled Amici Curiae (Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, and National Association of Consumer Advocates) Amicus Brief in Support of Appellants. (SC)24-25548
07/22/2024MotionFiled Amici Curiae (Nevada AFL-CIO, National Employment Law Project, and Power Switch Action) Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief. (SC)24-25552
07/22/2024BriefFiled Amici Curiae (Nevada AFL-CIO, National Employment Law Project, and Power Switch Action) Amicus Brief in Support of Appellants. (SC)24-25553
07/31/2024BriefFiled Respondent's (Francisco Aguilar) Limited Answering Brief. (SC)24-26866
08/01/2024BriefFiled Respondents' (Uber Technologies, Matt Griffin, John Griffin, Scott Gilles, Tia White, and Nevadans for Fair Recovery) Answering Brief. (SC)24-27034
08/06/2024MotionFiled Amicus Curiae (Chamber of Progress) Motion for Leave to File Proposed Amicus Brief in Support of Respondent (Uber Technologies, Inc.). (SC)24-27638
08/06/2024BriefFiled Amicus Curiae (Chamber of Progress) Amicus Brief in Support of Respondent (Uber Technologies). (SC)24-27640
08/08/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Amici Curiae (Nevada Trucking Association and American Tort Reform Association) Notice of Appearance for Kelly Evans and Chad Fears. (SC)24-27930
08/08/2024MotionFiled Amici Curiae (Nevada Trucking Association Inc. and American Tort Reform Association) Motion for Leave to File Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Respondents'. (SC)24-27948
08/08/2024BriefFiled Amici Curiae (Nevada Trucking Association Inc. and American Tort Reform Association) Amicus Brief in Support of Respondents'. (SC)24-27953
08/21/2024BriefFiled Appellants' Reply Brief. (SC)24-29944
08/23/2024Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to Transmit Disclosure Statement. Due date: 7 days. (SC)24-30333
08/23/2024Case Status UpdateBriefing Completed. (SC)
08/26/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Appellants' Notice - Disclosure Statement to Reply Brief. (SC)24-30481
08/29/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motions. Before the court are several motions for leave to file amicus briefs in this matter. First, proposed amici Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, and National Association of Consumer Advocates filed an unopposed motion seeking leave to file a brief of amicus curiae in support of appellants. The motion is granted. Second, proposed amici Nevada AFL-CIO, National Employment Law Project, and PowerSwitch Action filed an unopposed motion seeking leave to file a brief of amicus curiae in support of appellants. The motion is granted. Third, proposed amicus Chamber of Progress filed an unopposed motion seeking leave to file a brief of amicus curiae in support of respondent Uber Technologies, Inc. The motion is granted. The clerk shall add attorney Andrew S. Clark of Littler Mendelson, P.C., to the docket as counsel for Chamber of Progress. Finally, proposed amici Nevada Trucking Association, Inc. and American Tort Reform Association filed an unopposed motion seeking leave to file a brief of amicus curiae in support of respondents. The motion is granted. (SC)24-31279
10/07/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral argument is scheduled for November 7, 2024, at 2:30 p.m., in Las Vegas. The parties shall have 2 minutes of uninterrupted argument at the beginning of each side's presentation in addition to 15 minutes each of argument time. The argument shall be limited to a total of 34 minutes. (SC)24-37386
10/16/2024MotionFiled Appellants' Unopposed Motion to Reschedule Oral Argument. (SC)24-39096
10/17/2024MotionFiled Respondents' Limited Opposition to Motion to Reschedule Oral Argument. (SC)24-39166
10/17/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order. The motion entitled "Unopposed Motion to Reschedule Oral Argument" is deficient because it does not leave sufficient room in the upper right quadrant for this court's file-stamp, NRAP 27(d)(1)(B). Because this matter is scheduled for oral argument in the near future, this court will take no action on the deficiency. This court, however, cautions appellants, Nevada Justice Association and Uber Sexual Assault Survivors for Legal Accountability, that in the future this court will strike documents that do not comply with this court's rules. (SC)24-39187
10/21/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Vacating and Rescheduling Oral Argument. Appellant has filed a motion to continue oral argument in this matter. Respondents do not oppose the motion. Cause appearing, the motion is granted. The oral argument of this case currently scheduled for November 7, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. in Las Vegas is hereby vacated and rescheduled to December 4, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in Carson City. The parties shall have 2 minutes of uninterrupted argument at the beginning of each side's presentation in addition to 15 minutes each of argument time. The argument shall be limited to a total of 34 minutes. (SC)24-39687
11/20/2024Notice/OutgoingIssued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. (SC)24-44124
11/20/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Respondent's Notice of Appearance (Bradley S. Schrager as counsel for Respondents Uber Technologies, Inc., Matt Griffin, John Griffin, Scott Gilles, Tia White, and Nevadans for Fair Recovery). (SC)24-44203
11/22/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Appellants' Notice of Appearance for Oral Argument for Deepak Gupta. (SC)24-44614
11/25/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Respondent's Notice of Appearance (Laena St. Jules as counsel for Respondent Francisco V. Aguilar). (SC)24-45022
12/04/2024Case Status UpdateOral argument held this day. Case submitted for decision before the En Banc Court. (SC)
01/27/2025Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." En Banc. (SC).25-03829
01/31/2025Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled District Court Docket Entries. (SC)25-04890