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Case Information: 85261
Short Caption:DONKO (TED) VS. STATECourt:Supreme Court
Related Case(s):81075, 81075-COA, 83037, 83037-COA, 84755, 85261-COA, 88880
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - A852928, C345584Classification:Criminal Appeal - Other - Post-Conviction/Proper Person
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:11/16/2022How Submitted:On Record And Briefs

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
09/01/2022Filing FeeAppeal Filing Fee Waived. Criminal. (SC)
09/01/2022Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Notice of Appeal/Proper Person. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (A852928) (SC)22-27562
09/09/2022Order/ProceduralFiled Order Directing Transmission of Record. Record on Appeal due: 30 days. Within 120 days, appellant may file either (1) a brief that complies with the requirements in NRAP 28(a) and NRAP 32; or (2) the "Informal Brief Form for Pro Se Parties" provided by the supreme court clerk. NRAP 31(a)(1). If no brief is submitted, the appeal may be decided on the record on appeal. (SC)22-28254
09/14/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal - A852928 - Vol. 1. (SC)22-28797
09/14/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal - C345584 - Vol. 1. (SC)22-28800
09/14/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal - C345584 - Vol. 2. (SC)22-28804
09/14/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal - C345584 - Vol. 3. (SC)22-28807
09/14/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal - C345584 - Vol. 4. (SC)22-28809
09/14/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal - C345584 - Vol. 5. (SC)22-28811
09/19/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled District Court Documents. Added to Record on Appeal as pages: 13-43 (Sealed). - C345584 - (SC)
09/19/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled District Court Documents. Added to Record on Appeal as pages: 315-328 (Sealed). - C345584 - (SC)
09/19/2022Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled District Court Documents. Added to Record on Appeal as pages: 16-19 and 22 (Sealed). - A852928 - (SC)
09/27/2022BriefFiled Proper Person Brief. Appellant's Informal Brief. (SC)22-30334
11/01/2022BriefFiled Appellant's Proper Person Informal Brief. (SC)22-34169
11/08/2022MotionFiled Proper Person Appellant's Motion to Appoint Counsel. (SC).22-35171
11/14/2022Order/ProceduralFiled Order Denying Motion. Appellant is not entitled to counsel at the state's expense in postconviction proceedings. Accordingly, the motion is denied at this time. (SC)22-35671
11/16/2022Case Status UpdateBriefing Completed/Submitted For Decision. No answering brief filed. (SC)
01/05/2023Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Transfer Case to Court of Appeals. (SC).23-00349
01/05/2023Case Status UpdateTransferred to Court of Appeals. (SC).
02/07/2023Case Status UpdateTransferred from Court of Appeals. (SC).
02/07/2023Other Incoming DocumentFiled Proper Person Letter Regarding Case. (TRANSFERRED FROM COURT OF APPEALS) (SC)23-03691
02/21/2023Order/ProceduralFiled Order. Appellant has filed a document inquiring as to why his appeal was transferred to the court of appeals. This appeal was inadvertently transferred to the court of appeals and has since been transferred back to this court. Any other relief requested in the document is denied at this time. (SC)23-05183
04/21/2023Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Reversal and Remand. "ORDER the judgment of the district court REVERSED AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order." LS/PL/LB (SC)23-12463
05/16/2023RemittiturIssued Remittitur. (SC)23-15494
05/16/2023Case Status UpdateRemittitur Issued/Case Closed.(SC)
05/23/2023RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by District Court County Clerk on May 17, 2023. (SC)23-15494