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Case Information: 87863-COA
Short Caption:MEZZANO VS. TOWNLEYCourt:Court of Appeals
Related Case(s):81379, 84235, 84235-COA, 84508, 87521, 87863
Lower Court Case(s):Washoe Co. - Second Judicial District - DV1901564Classification:Civil Appeal - Family Law - Other
Disqualifications:Case Status:Briefing Completed/To Screening
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:How Submitted:

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
02/07/2024Case Status UpdateTransferred from Supreme Court. (COA).
02/07/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion to Stay (Emergency Motion Under NRAP 27(3)). (TRANSFERRED FROM THE SUPREME COURT PER 02/07/24 NOTICE). (COA)24-04497
02/07/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Imposing Temporary Partial Stay. Having reviewed the emergency motion, we conclude that a temporary partial stay is warranted pending our receipt and consideration of any opposition. In light of the upcoming eviction hearing, we temporarily stay the portion of the decree awarding the 3120 Achilles Drive property (which includes the rental property at 855 Atlas Court) to Townley, such that Townley may not proceed with evicting the tenants, pending our receipt and consideration of any opposition and further order of this court. Townley's response to the stay motion is due by February 13, 2024, and Mezzano shall have 3 days from the date that the response is served to file and serve any reply. (COA)24-04681
02/07/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Respondent's Notice - Opposition to Motion to Stay (REJECTED PER NOTICE FILED ON 2/8/2024). (COA)
02/08/2024Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice of Rejection of Filed Document. (COA)24-04709
02/08/2024MotionFiled Respondent's Response to Motion - Opposition to Motion to Stay (REJECTED PER PHONE CALL WITH ATTORNEY OFFICE). (COA)
02/08/2024MotionFiled Respondent's Opposition to Motion to Stay. (COA)24-04764
02/08/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Respondent's Notice - Supplemental Declaration of John Townley in Support of Opposition to Motion to Stay. (COA)24-04811
02/12/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion for Excess Pages to Reply to Respondent's Opposition to Motion to Stay. (COA)24-05221
02/14/2024MotionFiled Respondent's Opposition to Motion for Excess Pages. (COA)24-05516
02/14/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion for Leave to Extend Time to File Transcript Request. (COA)24-05632
02/28/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion for Leave to Extend Time to File Transcript Request. (COA)24-07272
03/05/2024MotionFiled Respondent's Opposition to Motion for Leave to Extend Time to File Transcript Estimate. (COA)24-07944
03/12/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Reply to Opposition to Motion for Leave to Extend Time to File Transcript Estimate. (COA)24-08873
03/13/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Appellant's Notice of Transcript Request. Proceedings: 12/11/2019, April 6, 2022; August 29, 2022; March 13, 2023; April 17, 2023; May 4, 2023; July 6, 2023; October 18, 2023; November 2, 2023; and November 3, 2023. Court Reporter: Noble Transcription Services. (COA)24-09045
03/14/2024Notice/IncomingFiled Appellant's Notice of Receipt for Transcript Deposit. (COA)24-09091
03/15/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Denying Stay and Granting Motion for Leave to File a Late Transcript Request Form. The motion for stay is denied, and our February 7 temporary stay is hereby lifted. Mezzano's motions for extensions of time to file the transcript request form are granted, and thus, the request form was timely filed on March 13, 2024. Townley's request for sanctions is denied. (COA)24-09348
04/30/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion for Directives. (COA)24-15103
05/16/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion for an Extension of Time to File Opening Brief and Appendix. (COA)24-17285
05/21/2024MotionFiled Respondent's Opposition to Motion for an Extension of Time to File Opening Brief and Appendix. (COA)24-17864
05/28/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Reply to Opposition to Motion for an Extension of Time to File Opening Brief and Appendix. (COA)24-18614
06/10/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order. On April 30, 2024, appellant filed a "motion for directives" with this court. On May 16, 2024, appellant filed a motion for an extension of time to file the opening brief and appendix, providing she "do[es] not anticipate that [she] will receive final transcripts until after this court rules on the pending Motion for Directives." Respondent has opposed the motion for an extension of time to file the opening brief and appendix, and appellant has replied. Appellant now requests "an additional three weeks from the time the transcripts are filed with the district court, to file the opening brief and appendix." Appellant's motion for an extension of time to file the opening brief and appendix is granted to the following extent. Appellant shall have three weeks from the date of this order to file the opening brief and appendix. (COA)24-20152
06/20/2024MotionFiled Stipulation for Substitution of Appellant's Counsel(Andrew Switlyk of the Switlyk Lae Firm, P.A. as attorney of Record in Place and Stead of F. Peter James, Esq., Law Offices of F. Peter James, Esq). (SC)24-21351
06/27/2024TranscriptFiled Notice from Court Reporter. Veritext Legal Solutions stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: No Dates Listed. (COA)24-22352
07/01/2024BriefFiled Appellant's Opening Brief. (COA)24-22887
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 1. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 2. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 3. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 4. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 5. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 6. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 7. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 8. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 9. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 10. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 11. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 12. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 13. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 14. (COA)
07/01/2024AppendixFiled Appellant's (SEALED) Joint Appendix - Vol. 15. (COA)
07/02/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Motion to Seal the Joint Appendix. (COA)24-22992
07/10/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order. The stipulation for substitution of appellant's counsel, filed by appellant on June 20, 2024, is approved. The clerk shall add Andrew Switlyk of The Switlyk Law Firm as counsel of record for appellant and shall remove F. Peter James of the Law Offices of F. Peter James, Esq., as counsel for appellant. (COA)24-24045
07/24/2024Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion to Seal Joint Appendix. In divorce actions, the records and evidence shall be sealed upon the written request of either party, as the district court ordered below. NRS 125.110. Accordingly, the motion is granted, and the clerk shall file the joint appendix, received on July 1, 2024, under seal. (COA)24-25802
08/01/2024Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Respondent's answering brief due: August 14, 2024. (SC)24-26934
08/12/2024BriefFiled Respondent's Answering Brief(COA)24-28368
08/13/2024AppendixFiled Respondent's Appendix to Answering Brief(COA)24-28537
09/09/2024MotionFiled Appellant's Streamlined Request for Extension of Time to File Reply Brief. (COA)24-32624
09/10/2024Notice/OutgoingFiled Approve Appellant's Streamlined Extension. Streamlined extension approved. Reply Brief due: September 25, 2024. (COA)24-32924
09/18/2024BriefFiled Appellant's Reply Brief. (COA)24-34509
09/19/2024Case Status UpdateBriefing Completed/To Screening. (COA)