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Administrative Case: ADKT 0410
Classification:Administrative - ADKT - ADKTCase Status:Scheduled for Hearing
Filed Date:04/26/2007Public Hearing:12/03/2007 at 2:00 PM (Carson City)
11/02/2009 at 2:00 PM (Carson City)
03/16/2010 at 4:00 PM (Carson City)
06/03/2010 at 9:00 AM (Carson City)
01/19/2011 at 3:30 PM (Carson City)
07/07/2011 at 3:00 PM (Carson City)
02/06/2012 at 3:00 PM (RJC, Las Vegas)
09/18/2012 at 3:00 PM (Carson City)
Closed Date:02/04/2021

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
04/26/2007Administrative CaseFiled Order Establishing Study Committee on Preservation, Access and Sealing of Court Records with Exhibit A attached.07-28435
10/19/2007Administrative CaseFiled Petition for Adoption of Proposed District Court Rule Amending the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure.07-28436
11/28/2007Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing and Allowing Public Comment. Public hearing will be held on Monday, December 3, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom, Carson City. The bench, bar and public are invited to submit written comments on the proposed rule governing sealing and redacting of court records in civil cases. An original and 8 copies of written comments must be submitted by December 21, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. to Janette M. Bloom, Clerk of the Supreme Court. A copy of the proposed rule changes may be obtained from the Supreme Court Clerk's Office or download from the website.07-28437
12/03/2007Administrative CasePublic meeting on the administrative docket. Nos. ADKT 388, ADKT 410.
12/10/2007Administrative CaseFiled letter from Frank Lockwood, Sr., in response to request for written comments.07-28438
12/19/2007Administrative CaseFiled letter from Pat Lundvall in response to request for comments.07-28439
12/19/2007Administrative CaseFiled comments (received via e-mail) from Homer Wood.07-28440
12/20/2007Administrative CaseFiled letter containing comments from Thomas D. Beatty on behalf of Rubber Manufacturers Association.07-28441
12/31/2007Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Rules for Sealing and Redacting Court Records (exhibit A attached). This amendment shall be effective January 1, 2008.07-28442
07/08/2008Administrative CaseFiled Order Establishing Study Committee on the Retention of Court Records with Exhibit A attached.08-33145
10/01/2009Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing and Allowing Public Comment. Public hearing shceduled for November 2, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. in the Supreme Court Courtroom in Carson City. Videoconferenced to the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas.09-31695
10/29/2009Administrative CaseFiled letter from Judge Steve Dobrescu with comments re: proposed rules.09-31697
11/02/2009Administrative CaseFiled letter from Reno Municipal Court Judge Kenneth Howard with comments.09-31698
11/02/2009Administrative CaseFiled letter from Reno Municipal Court Administrator Matthew Fisk with comments re: proposed rules.09-31699
11/02/2009Administrative CasePublic Hearing on the Administrative Docket.
11/09/2009Administrative CaseFiled letter from City of Fernley Municipal Court Judge Daniel Bauer re: Evidence Protocol.09-31700
11/09/2009Administrative CaseFiled Notice and Comments from DeAnn Wiesner.09-31701
11/09/2009Administrative CaseFiled from Reno Justice Court Administrator Steve Tuttle with comments re: draft evidence protocol rules.09-31702
02/23/2010Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing and Allowing Public Comment. March 16, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. in Carson City. Videoconferenced to RJC in Las Vegas.10-34204
03/04/2010Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Protocol for Storage, Retention and Destruction of Evidence (Exhibit A attached). Effective 30 days from the date of this order.10-34205
03/09/2010Administrative CaseFiled Corrected Order Adopting Protocol for Storage, Retention and Destruction of Evidence (Exhibit A attached). Effective 30 days from the date of this order.10-34206
03/16/2010Administrative CasePublic Hearing on the Administrative Docket.
04/01/2010Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing and Allowing Public Comment. Public hearing scheduled for Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. in the Supreme Court Courtroom in Carson City. Videoconferenced to RJC in Las Vegas.10-34207
04/13/2010Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Schedule for Retention of Administrative Records. (Exhibit A attached.) Effective 30 days from the date of this order.10-34208
05/18/2010Administrative CaseFiled comments on issues from Maxine Lantz, Program Director, Victim/Witness Services.10-34209
06/01/2010Administrative CaseFiled letter from Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence. Sue Meuschke and Nancy Hart will appear and offer comments at the hearing.10-34210
06/01/2010Administrative CaseFiled Comments from T. Arthur Ritchie, Chief Judge, Eighth Judicial District Court.10-34211
06/02/2010Administrative CaseFiled Comments from ACLU, Lee Rowland, Northern Coordinator.10-34212
06/03/2010Administrative CaseFiled Testimony from Sue Meuschke, Exectutive Director, Nevada Network against Domestic Violence.10-34213
06/03/2010Administrative CasePublic Hearing on the Administrative Docket.
06/30/2010Administrative CaseFiled Testimony of Nancy E Hart, Esq.10-34214
12/27/2010Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Part XI of the Supreme Court Rules. (Exhibit A attached.) Effective 30 days from the date of this order.10-33660
01/11/2011Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing. Wednesday, January 19th at 3:30 p.m. in Carson City. Videoconferenced to RJC in Las Vegas.11-01058
01/19/2011Administrative CasePublic Hearing held on the Administrative Docket.
01/20/2011Administrative CaseFiled Report entitled Survey on the Rules for Sealing and Redacting Court Records Final Report prepared by Stephanie Heying, AOC Court Services Analyst. Presented at public meeting on 1/19/11.11-02033
05/23/2011Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing on Thursday, July 7th at 3:00 pm in Carson City. Videoconferenced to RJC in Las Vegas.11-15146
06/30/2011Administrative CaseFiled Comments from attorney Thomas D. Beatty.11-19478
07/07/2011Administrative CasePublic Hearing held on the Administrative Docket.
07/08/2011Administrative CaseFiled Comments from Thomas E. Perkins, Justice of the Peace.11-20528
08/01/2011Administrative CaseFiled Order Amending Nevada Electronic Filing Rules (Exhibit A attached). Effective 30 days from the date of this order.11-23026
08/18/2011Administrative CaseFiled Letter from attorney Marshal Willick addressing problems with NEFR 11(e).11-25244
11/30/2011Administrative CaseFiled ADKT 410 Exhibits A through E.11-36708
11/30/2011Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing for Monday, February 6, 2012. 3:00 p.m. at Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas. The hearing will be videoconferenced to Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom in Carson City. Written comments invited and due by 5:00 p.m., February 2, 2012. (Original + 8 copies required). Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than February 6, 2012.11-36749
02/06/2012Administrative CaseFiled PowerPoint presentation presented by Stephanie Heying from AOC.12-03978
02/06/2012Administrative CaseFiled PowerPoint presentation presented by Judge John Tatro.12-03979
02/06/2012Administrative CasePublic Hearing held on the Administrative Docket.
05/29/2012Administrative CaseFiled Comment from Nevada Certified Court Reporter Debbie Hines.12-16832
07/17/2012Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing for Tuesday, September 18, 2012. 3:00 p.m. at the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom in Carson City. The hearing will be videoconferenced to Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas. Written comments invited and due by 5:00 p.m., September 14, 2012. (Original + 8 copies required). Electronically submitted comments will not be docketed. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than September 14, 2012.12-22541
08/23/2012Administrative CaseFiled Comments from Sue Crawford Ramm, Dep't of Health & Human Services.12-26592
09/12/2012Administrative CaseFiled Order the individuals listed on Exhibit A are hereby appointed as members of the commission.12-28698
09/14/2012Administrative CaseFiled letter from attorney Daniel Wong regarding the attendance/participation in the public hearing on September 18, 2012.12-29168
09/18/2012Administrative CasePublic Hearing held on the Administrative Docket.
07/22/2013Administrative CaseFiled Order Adopting Policy for Handling Filed, Lodged, and Presumptively Confidential Documents. (Exhibit A attached.) Effective 30 days from the date of this order.13-21303
03/21/2014Administrative CaseFiled Order Appointing Additional Members to the Commission on Preservation, Access, and Sealing of Court Records. (Exhibit A and B attached.)14-09020
12/30/2014Administrative CaseFiled Order Amending Rule 2 of the Policy for Handling Filed, Lodged, and Presumptively Confidential Documents; and Amending Rule 6 of the Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules (Exhibit A and B attached). Effective 30 days from the date of this order.14-42443
07/24/2015Administrative CaseFiled Order Amending Rule 2(5)(A) of the Policy for Handling Filed, Lodged, and Presumptively Confidential Documents. Exhibit A attached. Effective 30 days from the date of this order.15-22497
01/12/2018Administrative CaseFiled Order Amending Nevada Supreme Court Local Courts Minimum Records retention Schedule for Adjudicatory Records. Exhibit A is attached. Effective 30 days from the date of this order.18-01887
01/12/2018Administrative CaseFiled Order. On April 26, 2007, this court appointed a Commission to review the preservation, access, and sealing of court records. The Commission's work is now completed. It is hereby Ordered that the Commission be terminated with the court's sincere gratitude to the Commission members.18-01888
02/04/2021Administrative CaseCase Closed.
01/09/2025Administrative CaseCase Reopened.
01/09/2025Administrative CaseFiled Petition to Consider and Adopt Proposed Revisions to the Nevada Courts Administrative Records Retention Schedule.Y25-01345
01/23/2025Administrative CaseFiled Order Scheduling Public Hearing.25-03549