Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
07/30/2019 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due for Appeal. (Appellants, Nona Tobin as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust) (SC) | | |
07/30/2019 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Appellants, Nona Tobin as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust) (SC) | | 19-32026
07/30/2019 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Pay Supreme Court Filing Fee. No action will be taken on this matter until filing fee is paid. Due Date: 10 days. (Appellants, Nona Tobin as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust) (SC) | | 19-32029
07/30/2019 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due for Appeal. (Appellant Nona Tobin, an Individual) (SC) | | |
07/30/2019 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Proper Person. (Appellant Nona Tobin, an Individual) (SC) | | 19-32030
07/30/2019 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Pay Supreme Court Filing Fee. No action will be taken on this matter until filing fee is paid. Due Date: 10 days. (Appellant Nona Tobin, an Individual) (SC) | | 19-32034
08/02/2019 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Mushkin Cica Coppedge. Check No. 5688. (Appellants, Nona Tobin as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust) (SC) | | |
08/05/2019 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Nona Tobin. Check no. 524. (Appellant Nona Tobin, an Individual) (SC) | | |
08/05/2019 | Filing Fee | Returned Filing Fee. Check No. 523 returned to Nona Tobin. (SC) | | |
08/07/2019 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Exemption from Settlement Program/File Documents. Transcript request due: 14 days. Opening brief due: 120 days. Docketing Statement mailed to counsel for appellant due: 21 days. (SC) | | 19-33203
08/07/2019 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Regarding Deadlines. (SC) | | 19-33212
08/20/2019 | Docketing Statement | Filed Appellant Nona Tobin as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust, Dated 8/22/08 Docketing Statement Civil Appeals. (SC) | | 19-34926
08/21/2019 | Transcript Request | Filed Proper Person Appellant's Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 06/06/19, 05/23/17, 03/28/17, 12/20/16 and 09/29/16. To Court Reporter: Sandra Harrell. (SC) | | 19-35007
08/21/2019 | Transcript Request | Filed Appellant Nona Tobin, as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust dated 8/22/08 Certificate of No Additional Transcript Request. (SC) | | 19-35077
09/04/2019 | Motion | Filed Proper Person Appellant's Motion for Extension of August 28, 2019 Deadline for Docketing Statement for NonaTobin, an Individual, to a September 6, 2019 Mail Date (Docketing Statement attached to motion).(SC) | | 19-36830
09/04/2019 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Dismissing Appeal in Part. This appeal is dismissed as to Nona Tobin in her individual capacity. The clerk of this court shall remove Ms. Tobin as an individual appellant from the docket to conform to the caption on this order. Ms. Tobin shall remain on the docket and on the caption as trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust, Dated 8/22/08. fn1[Ms. Tobin's motion filed on September 4, 2019, is denied as moot.] (SC) | | 19-37046
09/10/2019 | Other | Returned Unfiled Document - Proper Person Appellant Nona Tobin's Docketing Statement Civil Appeals.(SC) | | 19-37846
10/08/2019 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Recorder Sandra Harrell stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 12/20/16, 3/28/17, 4/27/17, 5/23/17, 5/25/17, 1/10/19, 3/26/19, 4/23/19, 4/25/19, 5/21/19, 5/29/19, 6/3/19, 6/5/19, 6/6/19, and 9/29/16. (SC) | | 19-41666
10/11/2019 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance of Counsel (John W. Thomson as counsel for Appellant Nona Tobin). (SC) | | 19-42224
12/03/2019 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix due: December 19, 2019. (SC) | | 19-49011
12/19/2019 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Opening Brief. (SC) | | 19-51465
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. I of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51466
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. II of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51468
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. III of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51470
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. IV of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51471
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. V of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51473
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. VI of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51474
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. VII of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51475
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. VIII of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51476
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. IX of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51479
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. X of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51480
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. XI of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51481
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. XII of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51482
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. XIII of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51483
12/19/2019 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Appendix of Documents Vol. XIV of XIV. (SC) | | 19-51484
01/02/2020 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Amended/Supplemental. (Appellant Nona Tobin) (SC) | | 20-00164
01/02/2020 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Amended/Supplemental. (Appellant Nina Tobin, as Trustee of the Gordon B. Hansen Trust) (SC) | | 20-00165
01/07/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order to Show Cause. Nona Tobin shall have 30 days from the date of this order within which to show cause why this appeal should not be dismissed as to her in her individual capacity for lack of jurisdiction. Respondents may file any reply within14 days from the date that Ms. Tobin's response is served. Briefing is suspended. (SC) | | 20-00820
01/21/2020 | Motion | Filed Stipulation For Time Extension For Joel A. Stokes And Sandra F. Stokes, As Trustees Of The Jimijack Irrevocable Trust, Yuen K. Lee D/B/A Manager F. Bondurant, LLC's Answering Brief. (SC) | | 20-02896
01/27/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. The stipulation filed on January 21, 2020, proposing an extension of time for Joel A. Stokes and Sandra F. Stokes, as Trustees of The Jimijack Irrevocable Trust; Yuen K. Lee; and F. Bondurant, LLC, to file an answering brief is disapproved as moot. This court suspended the briefing schedule in its order entered January 7, 2020. (SC). | | 20-03706
02/07/2020 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Appellant Nona Tobin's Response to the Order to Show Cause due: February 20, 2020. (SC). | | 20-05283
02/20/2020 | Motion | Filed Appellant's Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Order to Show Cause. (SC) | | 20-07042
02/24/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Appellant Nona Tobin's Response to the Order to Show Cause due: March 3, 2020. (SC). | | 20-07389
03/03/2020 | Motion | Filed Appellant Nona Tobin's Response to Order to Show Cause. (SC) | | 20-08581
03/18/2020 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Respondent's Reply to Appellant Nona Tobin's Response to Order to Show Cause due: April 1, 2020. (SC) | | 20-10556
03/30/2020 | Motion | Filed Respondents' Joint Reply to Order to Show Cause. (SC) | | 20-12078
04/30/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. This appeal remains dismissed as to Nona Tobin in her individual capacity. The briefing schedule is reinstated as follows. Respondents shall have 30 days from the date of this order to file and serve the answering brief. (SC). | | 20-16346
05/26/2020 | Motion | Filed Respondents' First Motion To Extend Time To File Answering Brief. (SC) | | 20-19896
05/27/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. Respondents' Answering Brief due: July 1, 2020. (SC) | | 20-19941
05/29/2020 | Motion | Filed Sun City Anthem Community Association's First Motion to Extend Time to File Answering Brief. (SC). | | 20-20305
05/29/2020 | Motion | Filed Nationstar Mortgage LLC's First Motion to Extend Time to File Answering Brief. (SC). | | 20-20336
06/01/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. Respondents Sun City Anthem Community Association and Nationstar Mortgage LLC's Answering Briefs due: July 1, 2020. (SC). | | 20-20477
06/24/2020 | Motion | Filed Respondent Nationstar Mortgage LLC's Motion to Dismiss Appeal. (SC) | | 20-23483
06/24/2020 | Appendix | Filed Respondent's Appendix - Volume 1. (SC) | | 20-23484
07/01/2020 | Brief | Filed Respondents, Sun City Anthem Comm Assoc., Joel A. Stokes, and Sandra F. Stokes as Trustees of the Jimijack Irrevocable Trust Yuen K. Lee, an Indiv dba Manager, and F. Bondurant, LLC's Answering Brief. (SC). | | 20-24418
07/01/2020 | Brief | Filed Nationstar's Joinder in Respondents' Answering Brief. (SC). | | 20-24464
07/02/2020 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Appellant Gordon B. Hansen Trust, Dated 8/22/08 shall have until July 15, 2020 to file and serve the opposition to Respondent Nationstar Mortgage LLC's Motion to Dismiss Appeal. (SC) | | 20-24540
07/15/2020 | Motion | Filed Appellants' Opposition to Respondent Nationstar Mortgae, LLC's Motion to Dismiss Appeal. (SC). | | 20-26025
07/22/2020 | Motion | Filed Respondent Nationstar Mortgage LLC's Reply Supporting Motion to Dismiss. (SC). | | 20-26801
07/29/2020 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Appellant's Reply Brief due: August 14, 2020. (SC) | | 20-27627
07/31/2020 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Denying Motion. The motion to dismiss is denied. (SC) | | 20-28043
08/14/2020 | Brief | Filed Appellants' Reply Brief. (SC) | | 20-30133
08/14/2020 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. (SC) | | |
08/27/2020 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Transfer Case to Court of Appeals. (SC). | | 20-31719
08/27/2020 | Case Status Update | Transferred to Court of Appeals. (SC). | | |
04/12/2021 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." Court of Appeals-MG/JT/BB (SC) | | |
05/10/2021 | Case Status Update | Transferred from Court of Appeals. (SC) | | |
05/10/2021 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. (SC) | | 21-13236
05/10/2021 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. (SC) | | |
05/18/2021 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on May 11, 2021. (SC) | | 21-13236